Why God Is Your Doctor


You have to believe that God will help you become a better person and that your life will be more meaningful. If you don’t have faith you don’t have the courage to do what is necessary in order to eliminate your evil self.

So, you cannot triumph over all challenges. You accept the evil suggestions of your satanic anti-conscience. You don’t believe that your sense of morality has a meaning.

God is alive and sends you enlightening messages in dreams. Now your faith in God is not based only on your religiosity. You have proof that God exists and you can have a direct communication with Him through dream messages.

Therefore, you must trust God’s wisdom and always respect His commandments.

You have to believe that God will help you in the situation you are. Your faith will help you be with God. You will feel that you are not alone.

However, in order to be with God you have to respect His rules in all situations of life, even when you feel that you are in a terrible position. Sometimes you have to accept suffering in order to become a better person. If you never accept suffering you have the behavior of a cruel demon. So, you make many people suffer. You have to accept suffering when it is necessary.

You want to protect your selfish and proud ego, but this is not what you must do in order to find sound mental health. You have to be a balanced person.

If you are indifferent to what is bad because you are selfish and lazy, your satanic anti-conscience will take advantage of your irresponsible attitude and generate a mental disorder within your conscience.

You want to agree with the philosophy of life of the commercial and immoral world. You don’t want to change your personality even after verifying that you make many mistakes.

However, you have to follow your doctor’s guidance in order to be cured.

The intelligent and helpful messages contained in your dreams prove that God is your doctor and that you have many negative tendencies. You have to change your personality and become a better person until you will attain sanctity. This is how all your mental health problems will be completely eliminated forever.

You will attain higher consciousness and become a true genius, but you cannot arrive to this point without having a map. You have to obey your doctor to achieve this goal, even though you tend to be disobedient because you have an evil nature.

You have to be an obedient student and patient and precisely follow God’s instructions, independently of your personal opinion. God’s wisdom is safe. Your opinion is dangerous because it is based on ignorance and suppositions.

This is why God sends you many warnings in dreams. You have to follow His plan and accept to change your personality. Your evil self must be completely eliminated.

You have the impression that your evil self is necessary, but this is a misleading impression imposed by your satanic anti-conscience. You don’t need to be evil in any situation. Evilness is craziness.

You must be wise and sensitive in all situations of life. You must respect God’s commandments and truly desire to attain sanctity.

Science helped humanity discover the importance of dreams and religion, the existence of God, and the existence of Satan. Now you have scientific explanations that help you understand the meaning of every religion.


Source by Christina Sponias

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