Scalar Wave Healing Brings Relief in Various Ailments


People also suffer from gangrene in which their foot gets discolored, the skin starts peeling off and sometimes it gets infected. If not treated on time, it may lead to amputation of the foot or death in severe cases. This is a condition that requires immediate treatment.

Gangrene is basically caused when the circulation of blood reduces or stops. The reason behind this condition is blood cells clumping that results in the slow flow of blood in the extremities. The problem can be alleviated only when the flow of blood is increased, but this is easier said than done.

In such extreme cases, Scalar Wave healing has proven to be quite helpful. Almost a hundred years ago, Nicola Tesla, a famous inventor experimented with this healing style, but its practical application came into existence after a lot of research and development. The results of scalar energy are stunning. It occurs when similar waves are superimposed at 180 degree difference in phase. The energy as a result of this process is more like a field instead of a wave. This field has proven to have a lot of impact on the body.

The reason behind gangrene is a blockage in circulation and any therapy that helps in increasing circulation can bring about a remarkable change in the problem. Several studies have been conducted to show that the scalar energy healing method helped in unclumping of blood cells that were clumped together. This resulted in increased circulation, which will bring blood that is rich in oxygen to the affected areas thereby helping in healing.

Chakra healing is another therapy, which has proved to be quite beneficial in providing healing in case of various ailments. Leaving a significant imprint on anything that is exposed, scalar energy offers a static waveform which is unique in itself. It has been confirmed through several studies that objects like pendants and bracelets which comes embedded with waves of scalar energy offers impressive healing benefits.

For gangrene treatment, chakra healing also proves to be advantageous. A powerful treatment is required for treating this condition as it can soon go downhill if not treated immediately. Bio field therapeutics can help a great deal in treating this problem. The aura gets affected with scalar energy in a highly objective manner using various physical objects generating or carrying energy rather than using energy generated by a human practitioner. When this energy is used on the human body, the bio field that radiates from outside the body and the one that works internally permeating body tissues is improved radically with the scalar wave.

Several studies conducted in this field have proven to be quite advantageous and beneficial in the treatment of various ailments. It can also address serious ailments like gangrene. It has also helped in treating complicated ailments. Thus, use of alternative therapies like scalar energy healing is being used increasingly.


Source by Tom Paladino

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