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Quit Smoking – But My Doctor Told Me To Start Smoking Again


This may sound ridiculous and frankly unbelievable. I know that only the rarest of Doctors would ever recommend a patient take up smoking and that the vast majority try their best to encourage patients to quit.

But I have heard this story from clients several times, and hearing twice in the past fortnight prompted me to write this article. This is quite different from the bad old days when doctors would routinely prescribe cigarettes for children and people of a nervous disposition.

This came from the lies of cigarette companies who it has been shown simply bought off some doctors and an ignorance of the real risks involved.

But this is 2015, there is no ignorance and so there is no excuse. In one instance my client quit then developed a strange skin condition. His specialist suggested it was related to his quitting and advised him to start smoking again!

When he came to me he had to two problems. 1. He was smoking and 2. He still had his skin condition. At least after hypnosis he only had the skin problem to contend with. In the Naturopathic tradition skin problems are often treated with herbs which cleanse the blood.

It’s an old fashioned concept, but one thing for certain is that smoking does not cleanse the blood, or anything else. It’s plainly obvious that cigarettes cannot help in any way.

The other recent client was advised to start cigarettes again because of his anxiety. This would have been an understandable response in the 1960’s but in this day and age it is simply unprofessional laziness and negligence.

Sure there are many smokers who use nicotine as a crutch to help their anxiety, I see them regularly in my clinic, but there are ways to help these people quit without stress. There are certainly many medical interventions possible, but it requires some time and effort on the part of the practitioner.

Perhaps those very few medicos would be reminded of the oath “To do no harm.”

In this day and age there is absolutely no logical sane reason for anyone to smoke. It doesn’t relieve stress, doesn’t help anyone to lose weight, or any of the crazy reasons that unfortunately some people still believe.

If you want to help yourself, just quit, get some hypnosis help and it will be easier than you might ever imagine. And if some lazy crazy doctor advises you to smoke just walk out, and I certainly wouldn’t pay for such advice.


Source by Ian Newton

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