In this article I’m going to talk about traditional hematoma treatment as well as alternative medicine.
A hematoma takes places when blood builds outside a blood vessel and they can happen anywhere. It usually happens when there is an accident or trauma, such as falling off a ramp when skateboarding or getting hit by a post office truck.
Other causes could be drugs, diseases, high blood pressure and cancer. You might be wondering, how do you know if you have a hematoma.
Well the skin can change colors such as become darker, there could be pain, inflammation and swelling.
Traditional treatment usually involves R.I.C.E. Have you heard of R.I.C.E. Before? It stands for rest which is when the body heals itself, so many times it might just be the best medicine. Elevation, ice and compression which all reduce the inflammation and improve the healing.
If the injury is really red, there is pus coming out of it or if it’s in an eye, it’s best to see a doctor.
Plus if you notice hematomas occurring without any injury it’s best to get it checked by a doctor because it could be serious.
If you are wondering if there are better treatments or alternative medicines the good news is that there are tons.
One of my favorite things is coconut oil, which has millions of uses. In a study at the U.S. National Library of Medicine they took rats and split them into groups. Some received coconut oil and some did not. Wounds treated with coconut oil healed much faster.
Another idea is bromalean which can help a lot. In a study by the third medical university at China researchers took 16 pigs and shot them with high velocity rifles. They divided them into groups and the group that received bromalean healed much more.
The way it works is it increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the wound and reduces inflammation. Plus it activates growth factors, which are needed for healing.
If that wasn’t enough it helps with burns. In Bursheba Israel they took pigs, burned a few and bromalean really improved the healing. It’s seems like they have something against pigs right? They are shooting them and burning them, poor pigs.
If you really want to heal a hematoma or a skin injury believe it or not they even have a stem cell gun. It takes an hour and a half to isolate the cells and spray the skin. Then it only takes a few days for the treatment to work and the skin is brand new again.
Source by Kevin Whitsitt