Medicine was always located in drugs or in surgery. It was supported by a parallel system that was independent and complementary known as Alternative Medicine. However the two, till recently, were not destined to meet.
Medicine emerged from a system of clinical testing, of surveys, scans, medical records, experiments and data. These passed through rigorous tests of approval before licensed boards. The system bragged rights of methodology, license, discipline and efficacy. Alternative medicine, was located in systems of natural wellness, based on drug less, non-invasive technique. The mastery and skill of practice emerged from classical ancient texts, or new scientific discoveries with manual handling. Popular traditions of Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Ayurveda, Yoga, and Aromatherapy, homeopathy fell under this broad umbrella category of ancient practice and tradition.
Alternative medicine came under technical license and statute with World Health Organization that demystified the ancient systems and folklore. The standardization of acupuncture points in acupuncture practice amongst all countries, boards, colleges and practitioners became clear and uniform in technical description. There were energetic secret practicesises involved supplemented by martial healing arts as chi gong, tai-chi, ki aikido and others, which were not listed. The fact that the healing arts was essentially energetic, meant that acquired practitioner skills was relative to the development and cultivation of an energetic internal space.
World Health Organization addressed issues of nomenclature and technical description in some preferred ancient therapies based on scriptures. Indian Head Massage is an example of a popular science based on classification of marma points and ayurvedic massage techniques, arranged to an international qualification for practice. This science is well described by National Occupational Standards competency technical listings for applied use. Some other new systems have emerged based on public demand that are complementary practicesises to medicine. These include popular manual therapies as sports massage, lymphatic drainage massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, neuromuscular therapy, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, structural integration, amongst many more. Formalization of these sciences have taken place in clinical, and scientific practice. Competent Assessor and Regulatory boards across nations have sanctioned some of these disciplines as pure or integrated alternative medicine, and managed the industry to manifest in a parallel yet complementary field.
The formalization of Alternative medicine grew in significance as modern modalities and technologies were rooted in ancient systems. Light therapies and low level laser became an option for acupuncture where needles were not suitable. Full body bio-feedback machines as Medilab's Beautytech, have been based on galvanic induction and acupoint bio modulation through acupuncture meridians and lymphatic pathways.
Innovation in alternative medicine, is based on the formal understanding of natural process that has benefited humans greatly for many centuries.
Low level laser was able to shift the acupuncture phenomenon to the next level with the discovery of the genetic potential of blood acupuncture with blood laser irradiation through the vein. Adjunct treatments with chlorophyll and light sensitizers supports the reversal of tissue death as in the case of malignancy. The advantage of modern scientific discovery in alternative medicine is that treatment protocols have complete controls and outcomes, and the mystical human energetic practice is apart from the therapy.
The UK Crown encouraged medical practitioners, to embrace the alternative medicine industry and to approve its practicesises for better wellness support. This was resisted at first, and suspicion continued between the two streams. However, medical practitioners have themselves absorbed medical acupuncture in their practice through sanctioned seminars of late, and grown in awareness of the therapeutic value of standardized systems.
As the Industry vectors grow in the ecosystems, sciences and preferences seem to merge. The disparities are less and disciplines meet with consensus. Prospects ahead seem promising and recovery is well in hand.
Source by Malini Chaudhri