Many women prefer to leave bv untreated rather than attempting to find bacteria vaginosis cure that works. In my opinion it is not very safe to adopt this approach. If you are lucky the infection may disappear on its own. If not, it can get aggravated. Considering that there are a number of bacterial vaginosis natural cures which you can easily use in bv cure, it is better to treat it rather than leaving it untreated. These cures are simple and devoid of any side effects. Ingredients for these cures are easily available and are inexpensive too.
For bacteria vaginosis cure you must follow a systemactic approach. These may include lifestyle and diet changes.
To begin with upon identifying your infection abstain from intercourse or sexual activity at least during the treatment period. If it is not possible for you to do so due to personal reasons, have protected sex and insist that you partner uses a condom. Bv is not a sexually transmitted disease but abstinence is recommended because intercourse could worsen the situation by further tipping the acid balance in favor of the invading bacteria.
This type of treatment for BV cure is based on natural antibiotics The most popular bacterial vaginosis natural cures tea tree oil, is really effective in providing relief from the infection.
You can also use other oral natural antibiotics like ginger, garlic, and turmeric. You can add these to the food and make them a part of your daily intake. Ginger tea is very healthy and an excellent way to include ginger in your diet. You can use raw fresh ginger or dried flakes for this purpose.
For reintroducing good bacteria into your system milk bath is very useful. Alternatively you can either apply milk to the vaginal area a few times a day or apply milk lavishly on a cloth and place it over the vagina for at least fifteen minutes.
Follow these simple bacterial vaginosis natural cures which provide quick and safe relief from the infection naturally.
Source by Marie Paul