Owner/Producer of SIMPLEnetworking, Chi Chi Okezie is an expert in piggyback marketing and uses other people’s resources to grow her business, credibility and brand-name. Never stingy with information, Chi Chi has graciously enlightened us with five points on piggyback marketing as follows…
#1 “Civil Servant”
Golden Rule in Piggyback Marketing, “You keep what you give away.”
Volunteering is the biggest, best and most effective tool in Piggyback Marketing. When you volunteer with a big company or organization, doors swing open in your favor. Whether you are donating money, time or services, you position yourself into a group of like minded, generous and business oriented “do-gooders”. Latching onto a credible name or brand will drastically increase your visibility and add dimension to your efforts.
#2 “Moonlighting”
Start teaching a continuing education class or an evening course at a well known state or private institution. Pick a course or topic in which you are an expert. By teaching the class, you are building your credibility and developing great skills in research, communication and public speaking. You are automatically associated with the state or private institution and can leverage that for business. The class becomes another product which you can market to your clients and potential customers.
#3 “Club Hopping”
Join a club, chamber of commerce, business organization etc. and become an active member. Usually, clubs/organizations are members of bigger clubs and organizations. You can approach the director/president of your group and ask to be a representative of that group or organization which is a member of a bigger group, organization or chamber of commerce. Next thing you know, you will be seated or rubbing elbows with board members and significant decision makers!
#4 “Show Your School Spirit”
Get involved in your school alumni chapter and attend events or join a committee. Your position within the chapter can be a direct link in marketing your business to fellow alumni as well as school departments and students. Also offer to do class presentations, mentor students or be a recruiter/liaison. If there is not a chapter in your city, contact the alumni dept. and suggest one – you can be the President!
5# “Half Time Show”
Do you know any colleagues, entrepreneurs or other professionals who present seminars, classes, workshops or talks? If so, offer to do a quick presentation during their breaks to promote your brand, industry, products or services. Or you can opt to introduce the speaker/lecturer at an event. If you can make a dynamic introduction or pull off a great presentation during a break, potential customers will flock to you for business!
Source by Chi Chi Okezie