Catch Drivers Off-Guard
There is a reason for randomizing the DOT drug testing. If drivers know when to expect the drug test every month or every quarter, they’re going to know when to stop using drugs, if they are using. They will know exactly how long it takes to flush out of their system in order to get a negative result.
By randomizing it, you catch drug abusing drivers off guard. They never know when you are going to call them in for a drug test, and therefore if they are using, you are likely going to catch it. This will allow you to learn more about your drivers and keep the roads safe. If for any reason you catch an employee who is using, you will be able to apply the necessary disciplinary action, which can include termination.
Deter Drug Users
You want to be smart about who you bring onto your team. You don’t want drug users and therefore, you may be able to detect any of them when you announce that you offer a randomized DOT drug testing. The moment they hear randomized, they know they will not be able to beat the system. Therefore, they are likely not even going to apply to your company – they will move on to someone who has yet to randomize their testing.
Ensure No One is Being Targeted
Employees often like to say that employers play favorites. This is something you have to be extremely cautious of. If you don’t randomize your drug testing, it’s likely that someone will feel as though they are being targeted. Particularly if you have a third-party running the program, no one will be able to claim such a thing.
It Allows You to Be Complaint
The DOT wants to be sure that you are running the best program possible. This means that they want you to be randomized, and being compliant is of the utmost importance. If the Department of Transportation decides to conduct an audit on your location and you are found to not be randomizing your DOT drug testing, you could be fined.
In the end, there are plenty of reasons as to why you want to conduct a randomized drug test. Whether you are a large company or an owner-operator, you need to remain compliant. This doesn’t have to be a task that you do completely on your own. Assistance is available to conduct all of the drug testing, and manage the entire program, should you desire.
Take the time to explore your current system and determine whether it is running effectively or not. If you aren’t randomizing the drug testing, get started right away. If you are inundated with the process, seek assistance.
Source by Jeff Weigang