Affiliate marketing is an awesome tool for any company to use and take advantage of.
The commissions for each product and each company will vary. Usually, where the commission is lower the affiliate can generate more sales due to the product popularity, cost, and brand awareness. Many digital products found on sites like ClickBank.com pay up to 75% commissions on sales and the affiliate can also generate a recurring commission as well.
It’s important when learning about the simple affiliate marketing for beginners process, not to feel overwhelmed, as there are a number of “things to do” from start to finish.
This is not a get-rich-quick plan but an online career that can generate 10,000’s per month indefinitely. Many affiliates have multiple sites, some earning little and others earning a lot of revenue.
It’s not hard to become an affiliate and normally there’s no charge to join. Many companies will require that you have an active website and some, like Amazon, will cancel your affiliate account if no sales are made within 6 months of joining. You can re-apply at a later date and be sure to have enough site traffic to make some sales.
5 Steps To Start The Process of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners
1. Choose a topic or niche
Make a list of things that really interest you and see if there’s something that you are really passionate about. Make another list of products that you could promote for each interest on the list. I would start with about 5-10 interests and products and trim that down to one topic or niche and the product(s) relevant to that choice. Now forget about the others and focus completely on your chosen topic.
Let’s say, for example, I have a passion for football or camping. I could do some research and discover that there is a strong market interest in one or both. Then I would choose my niche camping or football and decide what products to promote on my new (camping or football) website.
There are thousands of companies that have affiliate programs online, for example, Amazon, eBay, and ClickBank to name just a few. There are many affiliate networks with thousands of programs to take part of but choosing doesn’t have to be difficult once you have your niche selected.
2. Build Your Own Website
This is easy when you follow a step by step plan. WordPress and some other sites make it really easy, however, there is a very real learning curve that needs to take place for our own growth and development. Take the time to learn everything as you go and don’t be in a rush to make money. This is more of a long haul opportunity where it’s very easy, over time, to have 3-4 websites earning revenue each and every month.
3. Fill Your Site With Quality Content
Now it’s time to add continuous relevant, quality content by writing or producing articles to post at least a couple of times per week or more, if possible. It’s better to have as the length of the articles 1000+ words each. The search engines like to show their viewers quality well-written articles.
Check out some other articles that are written by others on the same topics and compare yours to theirs and maybe you’ll see that you are just as good a writer as they are. You might see a few things in their writing style, type, images, and site layout that you like or don’t like.
All of the pages and posts on the website should have useful topics and information written especially for those interested and searching within the niche. Place a few links on each page and post so that the readers can click on the link and go to your website to see what it has to offer them. When someone makes a purchase you get a commission.
4. Draw Targeted Traffic
Promote your site when you feel it’s ready for traffic, similar to opening a store. Now another phase of the successful journey is to attract like-minded, targeted viewers to the site to benefit from your offer with some making purchases earning commissions for you even while you’re sleeping or on vacation.
There are a lot of marketing strategies to choose from which include article marketing, email, social media – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, forums, commenting and leaving links and more. Your focus now is on getting accounts with the social media and posting comments with links back to your site.
Everything can be outsourced and something most probably will be as one person can only do so much. It’s best to work with a partner if possible, someone who you work well with and that will make for much less outsourcing.
You’ll need to keep producing fresh articles for your website to maintain a good ranking with the search engines.
5. Collect Commissions
This is the best part and if one can do the previous steps well and be persistent and overcome all obstacles, that person will do very well with affiliate marketing and collect monthly commissions.
I do recommend a couple of more things:
1. Find an affiliate network that has personal mentoring set up to help you every step of the way. When someone first starts out there is a real learning curve and you’ll have questions to ask along the way.
2. Be part of a great community of active, like-minded individuals, all with the same purposes. A nice community like this can be a fantastic tool to be used whenever a situation arises that you need help with. Here one can get feedback on their articles, ideas and get questions answered. One can also, as part of the community, help others whenever they can.
Source by Peter Mangini