There are various combinations for the riches in the horoscopes. Let us see which are the combinations for the big riches.
A person born in a poor family having the following combination in the horoscope is sure to be a very rich person:-
1. Jupiter is in the Quadrant in Cancer, Saggitarius or Pisces signs.
2. Moon is in the 2nd, 8th, 10th or 11th house, in the sign of Taurus, Cancer, Saggitarius or Pisces signs.
3. Mercury is in 2nd or 10th houses in the sign of Gemini or Virgo.
4. Mars is in the 4th, 10th or 11th house in the sign of Capricorn.
5. Venus is in the 2nd, 9th, 10th or 11th house in the sign of Taurus, Libra or Pisces.
6. Saturn is in the 4th, 5th or 11th house in the sign of Acquarius or Libra.
Saggitarius or Pisces
If the Ascendent is Aries or cancer:- And the Sun is in the Ascendent, 3rd, 10th or 11th house and Saturn is in the 4th or 7th house in Libra,and Mercury and Venus are in 2nd house in Taurus then, the native is bound to be a very rich person.
If the lord of Quadrent is in the Trine and Lord of Trine is in the Quadrent, or both are either in the
Quadrant or in the Trine, the native is a very rich person.
If a native has Cancer as his Ascendent and has Saturn in the 4th house (Libra), Mars in the 7th house
(Capricorn), Sun in the 10th house (Aries), he is also very rich.
Astrologically, in a horoscope the lord of 11th house is the main planet to give income.
A person will become very rich, through share market or speculation, if saturn is positioned in the 11th house in signs Libra or Acquarius.
If Saturn (in sign Libra), or Mercury (in sign Virgo) or Moon (in sign Taurus) is positioned in the 11th house, the native earns huge wealth through the manufacture of machineries.
Besides, in a horoscope, the 2nd house is the house of wealth.
If the 2nd house is positioned by Venus in Taurus or Pisces, the native, becomes very rich through the
business of white commodities like Silver, Cotton, Cotton Mills, Sugar.
In a horoscope, 5th house is the house of speculation. If the 5th house is positioned by the Sun (in the signs Aries or Leo) or Jupiter (in the sign Cancer or Saggitarius), the native will get the huge money from race course and/or lotteries.
In a horocope the 10th house is the house of Karma,
If Saturn is situated in the 10th house in the sign of Libra or Acquarius,the native becomes rich through the business of oils.
In a horoscope, the 8th house is the 11th (house of gains) from the 10th house (house of Karma), which if positioned by planets Moon (in sign Taurus), Mercury (in sign Virgo), Jupiter (in sign Cancer) or Venus (in sign Pisces), the native earns through speculation.
Source by Shashi Sharma