The Mayo Clinic, recently reported that only 3% of Americans lead a healthy lifestyle that includes adequate exercise, diet, and effective stress management. Shockingly, the most advanced medical care system in the world has not been able to safeguard its citizens health. Up to 60% of the U.S. population suffer from chronic, debilitating health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressures, stroke, COPD, immune disorders, mental health problems, and addictions.
If you are poor or live in disadvantaged or minority neighborhoods, your health status and resources are much worse. This trend is also effecting younger generations who are developing chronic health problems earlier in life.
Symptoms vs Causes
Traditional medicine primarily targets the physical symptoms of disease with expensive, high-tech diagnostic tests, medicine, and surgery. However, increasing evidence implicates lifestyle and environmental toxins among the fundamental causes of disease. The typical American leads a sedentary lifestyle often associated with passive pursuits such as dependence on computers at work and home. Pollutants in the water, food, and air contain toxic and carcinogenic compounds. Sugary drinks, processed foods containing sodium, artificial flavors, and preservatives are all cited as causes for health problems. Until we learn that the fundamental cause of disease is embedded in the way we live, Americans will be sick and tired and seeking a medical cure in vain.
Improve Health and Immunity
The scientific literature has identified eight key lifestyle changes associated with improved health and Immunity:
- Following an anti- inflammatory diet rich in fiber, fresh organically grown fruits, vegetables, nuts, fresh fish, vegetable proteins to reduce inflammation associated with chronic disease. Eliminating toxins associated with fatty, fried, and packaged foods, sugary drinks, smoking, and the excessive use of alcohol and addictive substances
- Supplementing with vitamins, minerals, and herbal medicines to compensate for deficiencies, support metabolism, and repair cellular damage.
- Hydrating: drinking 64 oz. of water daily including electrolytes to flush toxins from bladder and kidneys and carry nutrients to cells.
- Using probiotics to balance gut flora and counter the effects of toxins
- Exercising: aerobic training, strengthening, walking, stretching, yoga, Tai Chi, 3-5 x per week to increase stamina, strength, mobility, flexibility and balance.
- Meditating: 20 minutes daily and eight hours of sleep to modulate autonomic, metabolic, endocrine, psychological and immune functions.
- Cognitive Reprogramming: continuous monitoring and restructuring of negative thinking
- Developing social resources using your medical team, family, friends, and treatment groups to maximize social and emotional support.
Research Results reported by the Cleveland Clinic’s 180 wellness program lists improved physical health, disease prevention, weight stabilization, improved energy, strength, endurance, immunity, improved mental health, stress management and mood stability as benefits of healthy lifestyle programming.
Traditional medicine primarily targets the physical symptoms of disease with diagnostic tests, medicine, and surgery. However, increasing evidence implicates lifestyle and environmental toxins as the fundamental causes of disease. Eight key lifestyle changes are discussed that have proven value in improving health and boosting immunity.
* My Rx for Boosting Health and Immunity
- Diet: anti- inflammatory diet such as the Mediterranean diet
- Supplementation: daily multiple vitamin and a cellular protection formula
- Hydration: 60 oz. daily with electrolyte addition
- Probiotics: daily
- Exercise: aerobic and strengthening with weight training 40-60 minutes daily, and regular walking
- Meditation: 30 minutes daily to music using relaxation imagery auto- suggestion, and therapeutic affirmations.
- Cognitive Restructuring: identifying and challenging negative thinking, and reprogramming constructive alternatives
- Develop members social support resources including treatment team, family, friends.
* Nothing in this article is intended as medical advice to the reader. No patient-doctor relationship is intended or implied. The reader is advised to work closely with his/her health providers when considering any/all health related interventions. The author disclaims any liability associated with any of the information contained in this article.
Copyright © 2018 by James W. Siddall
Source by James W. Siddall, Ph.D
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