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Lemon Cure For Jock Itch


The discomfort that jock itch can bring one person is surely a nightmare for most. Try to imagine that you are in a public place facing a lot of people, suddenly, you feel intense itchiness in your groin or genital area. It will surely be embarrassing to scratch your groin area in front of so many people. Jock itch can really make your life so uncomfortable and this is because of the fungus called tinea curis. A lot of people have been affected by this infection and most of them are actually physically active all the time. If you are always active, you also sweat a lot and this can be very favorable for the fungi that cause the infection. But you have to remember that there are a lot of ways that you can treat this infection. One remedy that you can use is lemon. To apply it correctly, you must know some information first.


Jock itch is considered to be an infection. But you have to realize that the fungus that can cause it is naturally occurring in the body. If the environment gets too good for these fungi, they can grow fast and cause a full blown infection which is now called jock itch. Ring like rashes will surely appear on the affected areas like your genitals and your groin. Some dandruff-like flakes will also be seen.


There are conventional treatments that can be done to get rid of jock itch. Creams and ointments that contain anti fungal properties are commonly used to treat this infection. You can actually have them over the counter. Just make sure that you will read the instructions carefully for you to do the right thing only.


Various ways have been presented on how to cure this fungal infection and herbal remedies are some of the most popular. Lemon juice for instance is commonly used. The skin produces natural acids to combat any infection or disease as it is the first line of defense of the body. But if the infection breaks in, your skin loses the ability to produce the acids. This is why you may need to use lemon juice. Try to squeeze out 30 ml of lemon juice and add this to 2 cups of water. Put it inside the container with spray. Make sure that the solution is mixed well. This must be sprayed over the affected areas. One thing that you must remember is that you must not rinse it after. Just use a cloth and pat it to keep it dry.

Having a jock itch can mean a lot of discomfort too. Thus, you have to learn on how to do the best remedies that can help you relieve it. The tips will actually guide and help you do the right thing. Lemon juice can be used. To do it the right way, you just need to remember some tips so that you have a guide.


Source by Jane Chaster

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