From time, to time, nearly everyone, occasionally, feels, their routine, has become a rut, and need, to escape, a little, in order to reduce stress, anxiety, and, thus, enhance their personal health, and well – being. One great way, to do so, is commit, to regularly, TRAVEL, and, escape, in a positive way. It’s more about, enjoying life, to its fullest, instead of constantly, focusing, and being concerned about, one’s work schedule, and routine. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what the opportunities, and advantage, of this mind – set, and behavior, might be, in terms of making you happier, and healthier.
1. Thoughts: Begin with your personal thought processes. When one travels, and gets away, from the stresses and strains, of every – day experiences, and responsibilities, he must first, do all he can, to clear his mind, and live, in the moment. When one does this, it generally, invigorates, and vitalizes him, in a positive, refreshing way!
2. Reasoning; rationale: Adjusting your attitude, and attention, and transforming your reasoning, to making yourself, more relaxed, and comforted, your rationale, becomes your friend, instead of a potential enemy!
3. Attitude; attention: What we pay attention to, and prioritize, often, determines, whether, we will proceed, with a positive, can – do, attitude, instead of a negative, problems – oriented one! Our focus, often needs, some adjustments, and taking some time off, generally, is beneficial!
4. Views; value; values; vitality: Examine your personal views, and strive for greater vitality. Will you commit to maintaining attention to your finest values, rather than taking, some path, of least resistance? We often tend, to take ourselves, for – granted, and, it is important to value, what we are, and/ or, our personal potential. This often becomes challenging, because, we get so, tied – up, with our every – day stresses, and struggles. Occasionally, getting away, helps relieve these discomforts! Traveling should enhance our personal vitality, in a personally, fulfilling, motivating manner!
5. Enjoyment: Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to you, if you strove for personal enjoyment, instead of, merely, getting into a rut, which makes you less fulfilled?
6. Levels you: In order to handle, the obstacles and challenges, which may, create a degree of less than optimal balance, it means, focusing on doing things, which level, you, and make you feel better, and more personally fulfilled!
Commit to self – help, by taking the time to TRAVEL. Wouldn’t you want, to become, the best, you can possibly, be?
Source by Richard Brody
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