One of the most affordable and convenient methods for small-scale asphalt mending projects is to use a cold patch mix. Many property owners will tell you that this approach saves money, and can reduce the amount of labor required for the job, making it a great solution for small holes in parking lots, walkways, streets, and driveways. However, the process of cold asphalt patching can be accelerated with the right application techniques, saving property owners some time too! Customers, clients, guests, and occupants can use the pavement in the same day!
Continue reading to learn some great tips on how you can shorten the amount of time it takes for the cold patch asphalt mix to harden, and drastically cut down on turnaround time, from project start to finish.
Ease of Use
The primary reason why this product is the go-to choice for small hole repairs in asphalt pavements is the ease of installation. There is no long, extended process of preparing or mixing materials. Instead, the air does most of the work. You simply pour the mix directly into the hole, compact it with simple manual tools (metal tamper or piece of lumber), and leave it to air dry. The mix turns into a permanent surface patch after extended contact with air.
The drying process, also known as curing, is very important to establishing a solid, stable surface that lasts a long time. If you want a permanent repair for your asphalt, you need to make sure the entire process is done correctly. If you want to speed up the curing stage of your pavement repair project, you can try a few recommended tips.
Use Gravel
You can use gravel to create a more dense space within the hole, which may help to establish lasting strength. Just fill the hole with gravel, little by little, while using your compacting tools to compress the gravel with each layer. Do not fill the hole all the way to the top; be sure to leave 2 inches of space below the surface line for your cold patch mix.
Pouring Your Mix
As you pour your mix, exceed the surface line by half an inch. This means that your mix should go over the top of the hole by a ½ inch. Then use your compacting tools to compress your material down until it is properly flattened. You may need to repeat this step two or three times to get a proper fill.
Expedited Drying
Asphalt cold patch mix cures by having contact with air. You can speed up the drying process by using hair dryers or commercial paint dryers. If you are going to use a hair dryer, you will need to manually operate it in a steady, sweeping motion to ensure even curing. The material is near dry when you cannot easily press into the surface with your hand.
Large-Scale Pavement Repair
For large-scale pavement repair jobs, you need a professional paving company. They have the training, equipment, and resources to provide dependable work in a convenient time frame. Be sure to choose a company that is licensed, bonded, and insured, and retains decades of experience in the road construction industry.
Source by Sarahbeth Kluzinski
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