Another name for beta-carotene is vitamin A, that essential vitamin that helps prevent eye damage. This natural antioxidant supports the immune system, might reduce the skin’s risk to sun damage and DNA damage, supports healthy cholesterol levels and increases lung capacity. Some studies show that this natural antioxidant supports a healthy heart.
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Lignans especially is that substance in flax oil that has antioxidant properties. The Benefits of Flax Oil Lignans A natural plant chemical, lignans are antioxidant molecules with anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. Flax oil is the richest source of lignans. Diets high in lignans can lead to a lower chance of getting colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

To achieve maximum stability, free radicals therefore steal electrons from other molecules around them and in so doing, destroy the cell membranes and weaken the cell. Free radicals cause a chain reaction of “electron stealing” because the minute they start taking away electrons from other molecules, those molecules become free radicals themselves.

And if you have, then you probably know about free radicals as well. But do you understand what they do? If not, then read on. What is antioxidant antiaging therapy? Modern theories of aging are generally looked at in two theoretical ways – the damaged theories and the programmed theories. The damage theories of antiaging primarily look at the damage that our cells incur over time.

Antioxidants are substances that work on free radicals, or more particularly work to counteract the damaging effects of these harmful oxygen byproducts. Scientists have linked free radicals to the development of degenerative diseases, causing massive cell damage that ultimately results in various disorders, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and much, much more.
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Although Vitamin C antioxidant supplements didn’t look as though it could reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease, it didn’t have any adverse effects either. In fact, Vitamin C might even provide some protection against loss of sight associated with cataracts in older people. So far the most promising of all antioxidant supplements is Vitamin E, especially when it comes to working against heart disease.

Chronic inflammation leads to damage in the cells of our brain, heart, arterial walls, and other body structures which are attributed as the cause of such illnesses as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, senility, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, prostatitis, stroke, and a few other diseases brought by aging.

This is caused by oxidation – when the oxygen in the air reacts with the substances found in the apple. Oxidation is a natural process that occurs in the human body as well. Our cells need oxidation in order to undergo metabolism of fats and glucose so they can turn into heat and energy. Oxidation is a vital part of life.

In sum, the main function of antioxidant enzymes is neutralizing free radicals. For the past decade, countless studies have been devoted to the beneficial effects of antioxidant enzymes. It has been found that a substantial link exists between free radicals and more than sixty different health conditions, including the aging process, cancer, and atherosclerosis.
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Although antioxidants cannot completely rid our bodies of free radicals, they can however work to retard or minimize the damage caused. Antioxidants block the process of oxidation by neutralizing free radicals. By neutralizing, they themselves become oxidized. For this reason, our bodies are always in need of a constant source of antioxidants.

However, they were surprised to find that besides berry fruits, antioxidants may also come from the most unexpected foods as well. Prior and his colleagues used the most advanced technologies available to tabulate antioxidant levels in more than 100 different types of berry fruits, vegetables, nuts, and spices.

Because atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill its shell with electrons by: Gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell Sharing its electrons by bonding together with other atoms in order to complete its outer shell Free Radicals: The Formation The free radicals are formed when weak bonds between atoms are split.

You probably remember from your old high school days that the human body is composed of many different cells and each cell is composed of many different molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined together by chemical bonds. A typical atom is comprised of a nucleus – neutrons, protons, and electrons.

The group of researchers who conducted the study say that a compound extracted from the seeds of red grapes called Activin ™ is that substance with powerful antioxidant red grapes properties. Because of its apparent powerful benefits, Activin was dubbed as the “super” antioxidant red grapes.
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Herbal antioxidants are of course found in fresh produce, fruits, and vegetables. A large number of members of the berry family are excellent sources of herbal antioxidants. In fact, most herbal antioxidants you find sold in health food stores today are comprised mainly of berry extracts. Studies have shown that berries are rich in certain herbal antioxidants that help reduce atherosclerosis by acting on the agents that causes the clogging and the hardening of the arteries.

Scientists have also pointed to free radicals as the cause of some of the symptoms of aging, such as atherosclerosis, alcohol-induced liver damage, alpha 1-antitrypsin in the lung, and even emphysema. Now, don’t get this wrong. Free radicals are still necessary for life, but in order to prevent yourself from developing these diseases, you need to take action in keeping free radicals at a minimum.

In sum, the main function of antioxidant enzymes is neutralizing free radicals. For the past decade, countless studies have been devoted to the beneficial effects of antioxidant enzymes. It has been found that a substantial link exists between free radicals and more than sixty different health conditions, including the aging process, cancer, and atherosclerosis.

You might be familiar with the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And it’s true because recent studies show that there are certain substances found in fresh fruits and vegetables that can be very beneficial to our health. Such substances are called super antioxidants. When you slice an apple and leave it on the table, you will notice that the flesh turns brown after some time.

Because it is the nature of free radicals, which is basically an atom with an unpaired electron, to achieve stability, they will try to do so by capturing the needed electron from other molecules. When the free radicals steel electrons from a stable molecule, that molecule will become a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction.
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However, free radicals may also be introduced from the environment. These compounds are inherently unstable since they have an odd number of electrons. To make up for their shortage in electrons, these free radicals will react with certain chemicals in the body, and in so doing, they interfere with the cell’s ability to function normally.

Plants are where we get most of our foods and our medicines, relying on them almost entirely for developing our bodies to their full potential and at the same time reducing the causes of degenerative diseases. Recently, scientists have discovered the substance responsible for many of the health benefits we’ve been receiving from plants.

Free radicals at a minimum can be good for the body since their function is to steal electrons from atoms of other molecules, but only if the molecule they’re stealing the electrons from are foreign molecules in the first place. If they are healthy molecules, well that’s a different story all together.

Although antioxidants cannot completely rid our bodies of free radicals, they can however work to retard or minimize the damage caused. Antioxidants block the process of oxidation by neutralizing free radicals. By neutralizing, they themselves become oxidized. For this reason, our bodies are always in need of a constant source of antioxidants.

Sure, it’s a fact of life. But what if there was a way to slow down the process, perhaps even cure it, what would you say? The aging process brings with it not only wrinkly skin or tired joints and muscles. Those can be tolerated. After all, they are part of
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