Advertising in Multi-Level Marketing is vital to any Network Marketing Business. Starting your Multi-Level Marketing business does not have to cost your hundreds or even thousands of dollars. I want you to read that last sentence again, because it is very important.
When starting a business, be it a home based business or any other Multi-Level Marketing home business, you need to design a budget. You do not have to go broke starting your Multi-Level Marketing business.
There are many great low cost and even FREE tools including advertising that will help jump start your Multi-Level Marketing business. Here are several FREE advertising ideas to help you start advertising your Multi-Level Marketing business.
8 Multi-Level Marketing Advertising Strategies
1. Writing Press Releases: Writing a press release is not difficult, it is not any different that writing any other type of document. Write a press release about your Multi-Level Marketing business, your product, your company opportunity, when you have accomplished a new level of achievement in your company’s compensation plan. There are so many reasons to write a press release, it creates great exposure for your Multi-Level Marketing business. Many websites offer tips on how to write a press release and where you can submit your press release. My favorite place is prweb they offer tips and ideas, and FREE posting of your press release.
2. Submit Your Articles: There are many great websites and e-zines to submit your articles to. Make sure that your articles have great value to the readers and that it is informative. Writing articles is a great technique to brand you as an expert in your Multi-Level Marketing business. Having your articles listed on different websites and e-zines will allow other publishers to “borrow” your article for their website, e-zine or newsletter. You want to be sure to have your “bio” at the end of each article you write also make sure that you have a link to your Multi-Level Marketing business in your bio. Your “bio” stays attached to your article no matter where or who “borrows” your article. Keep in mind having one of your articles in one e-zine it could reach potential thousands of prospects.
3. Write Blogs: Another great tool for your articles. Search Engines love blogs and the Search Engines spider’s blogs more often. Remember you can have several different blogs and I believe it is important to have several different blogs for your interests. For example, I have a few blogs at this time, one for recipes and cooking, one about my Multi-Level Marketing business and the third about Direct Sales and Multi-Level Marketing tips and tools. I also plan to set up a couple of other blogs in other areas of interest to me. On your blogs you should have links to your various websites, the e-zines where your articles are located. One reason for putting your articles not only on your blogs but other websites and e-zines is that more links coming into your personal website the better the rankings in the Search Engines and of course more potential customers and prospects to your website.
4. FREE Advertising Websites: There are several of these websites on the internet. Google “FREE advertising websites” and you will get a multitude of websites to try. Remember consistency is the key here. A great way to see where you are getting your leads, from which advertising site is to use a different email address for each ad you place or you can put a different code in the ad; this helps to see what advertising website is generating the leads.
5. Organize a FREE Seminar/Workshop: Sharing information that can be informative to others as well as bringing value to them is one way of creating relationships. Relationships are a significant part of growing your business and building trust with people. At the conclusion of your seminar or workshop you can share information about your Multi-Level Marketing business, service, and product or business opportunity. Depending on your product giving a FREE sample to each person attending along with your business cars is an excellent idea.
6. Participate in Discussion Groups and Forums: There are many excellent discussion groups and forums covering a wide range of interests on the internet. Discussion groups and forums are a place to share your ideas, tips to give advice to others, brand you as an expert. Do not blast ads about your company, products, or business opportunity. That is not to say that you can never share your products or Multi-Level Marketing business opportunity, however, you are trying to build trust with people. Give advice or as the saying goes “give your two cents” about a topic. Start a topic that interests you and share your tips and ideas. Give people value and a reason to trust you.
7. Email Signature: This is a very effective technique in creating publicity for your website. Do not make your signature too long or containing so much information. Keep your signature short, sweet and to the point. Use this signature not only on all your emails that you send out but any written letters. For example:
Your Name
Your Company’s name here
http:// www. yourwebsite.com
This tells people who you are, your company name and your website for them to go visit. Use this on everything that you send out of your home.
8. Social Networking: Social Networking is all the rage these days and why not, this is an excellent method for branding yourself on the internet as an expert in your field of interest. Social Networking can promote your Multi-Level Marketing home business. There are numerous Social Networking opportunities available online. Here are a couple of my favorite Social Networking sites. You can see how I have accomplished my sites and you can promote your Multi-Level Marketing home business online. Remember how I have my sites set up and how I have them laid out will be different than yours. There is Facebook (the #1 place), Squidoo, MySpace, YouTube just to name a few.
Multi-Level Marketing advertising strategies conclusion
Multi-Level Marketing advertising is vital to your Network Marketing business. Without advertising either online or offline it would be very difficult to build your business into a success.
Before you leap in head first you need to set a budget, not just for advertising but for all the costs involved in starting a Multi-Level Marketing home business. Not setting a budget could be the cause of your business not succeeding. It is far too easy to spend more money than you have; than your business can suffer and give you a bad outlook about Multi-Level Marketing. So work on a budget and stick with it.
The advertising ideas listed here are just a few different ideas; pick a couple of these great ideas and master them and then integrate a couple of new ones as your Multi-Level Marketing business starts to grow.
Starting with just a couple of the ideas rather than all of them will alleviate any stress of trying eight different advertising ideas. It can be very difficult to keep up and doing an excellent job.
You also want to do a good job on each advertising idea to show off your business, products, Multi-Level Marketing business opportunity as well as brand you as an expert in your field.
What do you think? Did I leave any Multi-Level Marketing advertising strategies out?
Source by Barb Sibbing