If you’ve been in or around the network marketing industry you’ve seen some of the consequences of doing what the old scholars have done over the years. Sure, there is plenty of empowering things about the business model and there are also somethings that some network marketer’s wouldn’t want to talk to you about.
What happens when you send someone out with just a of names list and a few words to tell people when they come in contact with. Which have high hopes and ambition to go out and talk to people only to find out the person tells them no. After that first no it’s harder to get up and get going again to ask the next person.
What happens when they call leads and no one answers only to find out that the leads that they purchased are old leads and they find out later that they just wasted their hard earned money for something that they thought at the time would help them in their network marketing business.
How their up line told them that they need to come to an event or a summit when they new that they didn’t have the money to go, but went anyway just to hear the same lecture over and over the whole entire time they were there. Just to find out later that all of that was a waste of time and money. Of course they are pumped for a little while, but reality comes back quick!
Going to weekly briefings will help them in there business if they will come and bring someone. Only to find out that every week is the same thing. Their doing “the thing”, but nothing ever happens.
Source by Mark Colbert