
The Art of Money Getting or Golden Rules for Making Money

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The Art of Money Getting or The Golden Rules For Making Money is P.T. Barnum’s Classic Masterpiece about Money. If you are in Marketing or Advertising, You Should Not Be Without this Book!

The Art of Money Getting 


Golden Rules for Making Money

By P.T. Barnum

The Art of Money Getting   or   Golden Rules for Making Money  By P.T. Barnum

The Art of Money Getting 

P. T. Barnum
Money making skills told in humorous yet factual terms. It teaches people how the right vocation can lead to great success. Personal habits such as positivism, persistence,  perseverance, determination, and care for the comfort of others are treated as positive traits.

The Art of Money Getting or The Golden Rules For Making Money is P.T. Barnum’s Classic Masterpiece about Money. If you are in Marketing or Advertising, You Should Not Be Without this Book! 


That we are born “free and equal” is a glorious truth in one sense,yet we are not all born equally rich, and we never shall be. One may say; “there is a man who has an income of fifty thousand dollars per annum, while I have but one thousand dollars; I knew that fellow when he was poor like myself; now he is rich and thinks he is better than I am; I will show him that I am as good as he is; I will go and buy a horse and buggy; no, I cannot do that, but I will go and hire one and ride this afternoon on the same road that he does, and thus prove to him that I am as good as he is.”

My friend, you need not take that trouble; you can easily prove that you are “as good as he is;” you have only to behave as well as he does, but you cannot make anybody believe that you are rich as he is. Besides, if you put on these “airs,” add waste your time and spend your money, your poor wife will be obliged to scrub her fingers off at home, and buy her tea two ounces at a time, and everything else in proportion, in order that you may keep up “appearances,” and, after all, deceive nobody.

On the other hand, Mrs. Smith may say that her next-door neighbor married Johnson for his money, and “everybody says so.” She has a nice one-thousand dollars camel’s hair shawl, and she will make Smith get her an imitation one, and she will sit in a pew right next to her neighbor in church, in order to prove that she is her equal.

My good woman, you will not get ahead in the world, if your vanity and envy thus take the lead. In this country, where we believe the majority ought to rule, we ignore that principle in regard to fashion, and let a handful of people, calling themselves the aristocracy, run up a false standard of perfection, and in endeavoring to rise to that standard, we constantly keep ourselves poor; all the time digging away for the sake of outside appearances. 

How much wiser to be a “law unto ourselves” and say, “we will regulate our out-go by our income, and lay up something for a rainy day.” People ought to be as sensible on the subject of money-getting as on any other subject. Like causes produce like effects. You cannot accumulate a fortune by taking the road that leads to poverty. It needs no prophet to tell us that those who live fully up to their means, without any thought of a reverse in this life, can never attain a pecuniary independence.

Men and women accustomed to gratify every whim and caprice,will find it hard, at first, to cut down their various unnecessary expenses, and will feel it a great self-denial to live in a smaller house than they have been accustomed to, with less expensive furniture, less company, less costly clothing, fewer servants, a less number of balls, parties, theater-going, carriage-ridings, pleasure excursions, cigar-smoking, liquor-drinking, and other extravagances; but, after all, if they will try the plan of laying by a “nest-egg,” or, in other words, a small sum of money, at interest or judiciously invested inland, they will be surprised at the pleasure to be derived from constantly adding to their little “pile,” as well as from all the economical habits which are engendered by this course.

The Art of Money Getting or Golden Rules for Making Money By P.T. Barnum

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Original price was: ₦1,351.35.Current price is: ₦1,001.00.Add to cart

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