TAWAU: Sabah Softwoods Berhad (SSB) has ceased operations at one of its estates, Ladang Bukit Batu in Kalabakan near here, after seven of its employees tested positive for Covid-19.
SSB chief executive officer, Hattah Jaafar, when met by Bernama at his office here today, said the step was taken to prevent the spread of the virus to other workers.
“Currently, the seven estate workers are being treated at Hospital Tawau, while another five employees are under quarantine at the estate,” he said.
Hattah also confirmed that two employees, including the imam of the mosque on the estate, attended the Feb 27 to March 1 ‘tabligh’ gathering at the Sri Petaling mosque in Kuala Lumpur. However, both individuals and their family members had undergone health screening at the hospital.
Hattah thanked the personnel at the Kalabakan District Office and Hospital Tawau for their assistance in handling the Covid-19 situation on the estate. – Bernama
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