Are you married? If you are, there are likely a lot of topics that you and your wife discuss throughout the day. Common conversation topics include work, friends, family, and bills. One topic that many couples do not always discuss, even though they should, is that of sex. Are you interested in improving your sex life? If you are, you may need to talk to your wife, but should you?
Yes. You should. It is important to talk to your wife. An open line of communication is important to have a happy and healthy relationship in general. Poor communication may have a negative impact on your entire relationship, not just your sex life. Husbands who do not properly communicate with their wives often end up putting their relationships in harms way. Do not let this happen to you and your marriage.
If you do decide to talk to your wife about sex, namely improving your intimacy, it is important to proceed with caution. You do not want to criticize your wife or make her feel inadequate. Are you not having your desires filled? If so, don’t outright tell your wife that. Doing so may cause even more problems to arise. You do want to get the best level of intimacy possible, but you also don’t want to hurt your wife’s feelings in the process. For that reason, you may want to try a different approach. Consider suggesting new things in the bedroom, such as a new position or a weekend away.
When talking to your wife about sex, it is also important not to push. If you want to see an improvement in your sex, state so and give a few suggestions. However, do not keep on brining the topic back up. Give your wife a few days or even a few weeks to make adjustments in the bedroom. This time is needed because your wife may be hurt when she learns that you aren’t pleased by her sexually. It is natural for her to take time to think about the situation before taking action, which may involve implementing a few of your suggestions.
Next, it is important to listen to what your wife has to say. Unfortunately, many men make mistake of believing that their wives just aren’t interested in being intimate anymore. Although this can be true in some cases, it likely isn’t the case with your wife. Your wife may experience other problems. For example, many women are nervous and fearful of aging. This may result in them wanting to showcase their body less. A deceased sex drive may also be caused by something out of your wife’s control, such as a medical condition or a medication side effect. That is why it is not only important to talk to your wife, but also listen to what she has to say.
If you still do not know how to start a conservation about sex and intimacy with your wife, there is another approach that you can take. You can consider giving her a gift. There are a number of great gifts available that can not only be useful in the bedroom, but gifts that can help to get a conversation started. A book on new sexual positions, a new sexy outfit, or massage oils are all items that you may want to examine. A gift not only provides you with an opportunity to start a conversation, but it is also a nice gesture. Depending on what you decide to purchase, you may find it easier to shop online. Many stores are discrete with the packages they send out; therefore, you should be able to keep your wife’s gift a surprise even if she is the one to pickup the mail.
In short, talking to your wife about sex may be something that you want to avoid, but you shouldn’t. An open line of communication is vital to a happy and healthy relationship.
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