How Happy are those in their 60’s with their Sex Life?

It may surprise you to find out how happy many people in their 60’s are with their sex life. This is due to people living longer lives than ever before due to effective health care. We also know how important it is to take care of our bodies. Sex isn’t something that has to go out the window just because you have aged. In fact, more people that are 60 years of age or older are having a great time with it than you might think.

The act of those over 60 enjoying sex isn’t something new though like many people think. What has changed though is that there is more freedom to talk about it and to express information about it. You can even find places online where these people are talking about their sexual feelings and experiences. There are also many people in this age group still dating.

Since they are on the dating scene, it is reasonable to expect that they will one day take those relationships to another level. They can have a very satisfying sexual lifestyle that helps keep them both young and vibrant. In fact, there is information to suggest that the more sexually active individuals are as they get older the happier they will be.

Not everyone in this age group is happy with their sex life though. Women tend to have more problems with it then men. This is because there are more women in those older age groups than men. Not all of them are comfortable being with younger men due to how they feel society is going to see it. Yet there is really nothing wrong with it if both parties are happy with the relationship.

For males, the inability to maintain an erection is the number one reason why they aren’t happy with their sex life in their 60’s. Yet there are many ways in which this problem can be resolved. Most doctors can help men get to the core of the issue and then let them know what options they have. Just because a person is older and things aren’t working on their own like they one did doesn’t mean you have to let it continue to be that way.

Being sexually intimate is a great way to for older individuals to feel that they are loved and appreciated. They certainly don’t want to be lonely as they get older. Even if they do have friends and family, nothing can make you feel as wonderful as the respect and admiration from someone else. It is a good feeling to know someone desires you sexually as well.

Don’t under estimate the power of having a sex life you are happy with at any age. It can only become more rewarding as an individual gets older. If you are over 60 and not happy with your sex life, then you do have the power to change it. Take an honest look at what you are happy with and what you aren’t.

Once you have done this, evaluate what can be done to change it. These factors will fall into one of three categories – what you can do on your own, what you can do with your partner, and what you can change with the help of your doctor. Those things you can change on your own include your attitude towards sex, your feelings towards your body, and getting into touch with your feelings.

You can make sex more rewarding when you are older by asking your partner to tell you what they need to make it more pleasurable. At the same time, express what the do that turns you on and what you need more of. If you find you don’t enjoy sex like you used to then you should speak to your doctor about what can be done.

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