I write this article because I realized that while going through a tough season in my life and going through the emotional healing process there were moments when out of nowhere something and even someone would say or do something unbeknownst to them that would set me on an emotional spiral because it triggered a negative memory or life moment gripped by strong emotions.
Once the moment subsided I started wondering what I could do to not be undermined by emotional triggers in my life. It has a lot to do with your thought process which works with your emotions. I have been in the process of healing my soul and crucial to that process was dealing with how I think and how it was effecting my life. For the most part I am positive but a long season of growing pains had created a lot of woundedness in my soul. I made the decision not to see through my wounds anymore and to see from a healthy soul which begins with ridding myself of the negative thoughts that have been bombarding me. To do so I began with prayer and seeking God for the wisdom and solution to deal with the hurt in my soul. Below are the solutions that has and continue to work for me. I am wired to be productive so this is incorporated into my day and what I will do for that day
1) Pray and get quiet within yourself to hear the answer
2) Once the answer comes stay committed to the healing process. It will take time to heal in your soul.
3) Stay Diligent it takes 21 days to establish a new habit, and 90 days to become a way of life.
4) I listen to and watch positive teaching on thinking and healing my soul daily.
5) I wake up praying and then listening to teaching on the radio to replace negative thoughts and self talk with faith filled thoughts & words
6) I Listen to worship music and worship God through song, I also listen to soothing music without lyrics sometimes. This creates an environment of peace conducive for my soul to heal.
7) On hard days press in harder and don’t stop the healing process.
8) It is crucial to guard your eyes, ears, and heart.
9) Negative things do happen and it’s important how you manage your emotional response
10) Believe in yourself and make the decision to not line up with a negative perspective and choose to see the good
For example there is a great worship song that was sung at my sisters home going service and on a Sunday in church the song was sung. I began to come unglued emotionally inside but no one around me knew I was struggling and I wanted to run but The Holy Spirit reassured me I will be alright with a comforting peace. I just started saying Hallelujah to calm myself and stay focused on the worship. Till this day I can no longer hear that song but learning how to manage the trigger. My Pastor A. R. Bernard taught us that it will take twelve pieces of positive information to replace one piece of negative information. Yes it is a battle but worth fighting to be free indeed, healed and whole in your soul.
This sums it up when dealing with Triggers… It’s crucial to Breathe properly to help calm yourself and gather your thoughts to respond and not react to your triggers
Quote: Take a breath. Pause. Iyanla Vanzant
Source by Jana Hicks
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