The field of research and psychoanalysis and the behavioral modification is considered one of the most important methods of treatment of drug addiction, in addition to the other two elements 1- the medical element, 2- social element, and it is known that there are multiple methods of The psychotherapy for various types of addiction.
It is a basic principle in this field that the treatment that suits a patient and leads to the improvement of his condition may not be suitable for another patient suffering from the same illness, that means that the therapist can choose between several therapeutic alternatives to suit the patient, and it increases the chance of the treatment, more importantly, more treatment methods are being invented in the present time, which will raise more hopes for the foreseeable future. One of the most famous psychological treatments in this field is the group of behavioral treatments for addiction and it is considered among the main applications of modern psychological science in the field of the psychological disorders.
It is based on the essentials that indicate that all forms of behavior (including drug abuse and addiction) of the individual are acquired and grow under certain living conditions (psychosocial and social) and thus ratified by the laws of the acquisition of the habits and its growth, all the differences must be taken into account in the categories of the different habits in terms of levels of support and installation available to them.
Since the practices of the drugs abuse when taking over the abuser and it managed to lead to dependence or addiction, it means that it has reached the formation of the habits, meaning that the treatment (any attempt to get rid of the set of habits that serve the continuation of the drug abuse) will not be easy, However, it will not be impossible. It requires a high degree of cooperation between the addicts and the therapist with some remedial measures, in addition to perseverance to receive this procedure for a several months, followed by another period of follow-up and integrity.
One of the method psychotherapy is Boudin HM `s method and it is based on three main elements:
1. To train the addict to self-observation;
2. To train the addict on self-assessment;
3. Then programming behavior modification based on the data reached from the previous two items.
Training on self-observation is considered one of the most important methods used in modern psychotherapy (ie, self-observation and monitoring). There are three functions under these treatments as follows:
1. Monitoring specific types of behaviors of the individual related to the subject of the required treatment, before therapeutic intervention;
2. Monitoring these types of behavior at intervals during and after the therapeutic intervention to assess the impact of this intervention.
3. Sometimes it is used to facilitate the desired changes, and there are multiple ways to perform this self-observation and conduct the monitoring resulting in the methods taught by the therapist to the addict.
The objective of training the addict on this self-observation is to achieve the capture and monitoring of the "functional patterns" that reveal his or her addictive behavior.
The functional pattern in this case is the sequence that begins with the occurrence of an event or chain of events that will raise the motivation to use the drug, Then the act of abuse itself, and thereafter the feelings and behavioral events that support the behavior of the addict.
In other words, the functional pattern is the set of behavioral precedents that precede the occurrence of the act of abuse, then the act of abuse itself, and then the act of the direct drug abuse.
The therapist evaluates these patterns in terms of the appropriate ways of modifying or changing the behavior according to the case that he is handling, in order to choose these methods that he deems appropriate and avoids their masculinity. If the patient showed a relative improvement, and then to a new stage in which he teaches him how to evaluate his functional patterns, as he teaches him a ways of changing his behavior.
One point remains to indicate that the therapist does not end up treating the case except by assessing the effect of the treatment on the basis of four important elements: the level of performance of the addict in his work, the level of his personal and social dealings and the number of times he may be involved during (and despite) the therapeutic program and, finally, the number of times it conflicted with the law throughout the treatment period.
The implementation of this program takes a few months, and can be applied to the addicts who are held in sanatoriums, and can be applied on the basis of the outpatient clinic system, which is considered to be flexible and thus maximizing its benefits.
It is worth noting that this therapeutic system has already experienced a number of heroin addicts who have been sentenced to obligatory treatment, and their results have been highly efficient. However, there are many other behavioral treatments, and some therapists prefer to do some of these treatments combined with CBMTS at the same time. The field here allows for many scientific differences that ultimately aim at more efficient treatment service.
Source by Mohamed Al Marzooqi
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