There is only one way to cure your acne completely. Medication won’t work. Drugs won’t work. Over-the-counter products won’t work. Home remedies won’t work. They will only work on the symptom of your acne, not the real cause. Thus, even though they seem to work at first, it will only be a temporary result. And guess what? You need permanent result, not temporary.
So, if you want to clear your acne completely (I mean, completely, not partially or just temporary effect), there is only one way to do it. The only way to cure your acne completely is to eliminate the root cause of your acne. You are not going to work with the symptom of your acne. But, you will work with the root cause, the source of all this ugly mess that you call acne. And there is only one effective method to cure your acne from the root cause of it: The Holistic Method.
Basically the holistic method is divided into 4 main elements:
1. The Right Understanding
It is important to understand fully about your acne. Your acne is a condition that is caused by toxic accumulation within your body. It means that since the cause is within your body, then no matter how hard you work to destroy the symptom through external skin treatment methods, they won’t work to cure your acne permanently. Why? That’s because you are not eliminating the cause. If you keep the cause within your body, sooner or later new acne will appear on your skin, and once it appears, it will be worse than before. So, the right understanding needs to be obtained in order for you to be able to work to cure your acne condition in the right way.
Note: This is not the only information that you need to learn. There are many myths about acne that you need to debunk as well.
2. The Right Mindset
Approaching acne with the wrong mindset will only bring you deeper into depression. For instance, if you think that you can’t cure your acne because you already suffered it for many years, it will not help you to cure your acne at all. In fact, your mindset will make you to become more and more stubborn in denying the possibility that you can cure your acne, no matter how bad it seems to be. Having the right mindset will help you to build the strong foundation for your acne healing process.
Note: Holistic method will seek to balance your mind, body, and spirit at the same time. So, it’s not just a treatment for your body.
3. The Right Dietary Habit
“You are what you eat.” Have you ever heard about this saying? That’s true, because what you eat will build your whole body structure. Remember that all your body organs, including your skin, are built with substances that are obtained from your foods. Thus, your foods play an important role in curing your acne. It is a lie to believe that diet and acne don’t have any connection at all. It’s just a marketing gimmick to make you want to buy some over-the-counter products or some other miracle drugs that promise you instant clear skin.
Note: Holistic method will provide you the most effective dietary plan that will allow you to cure your acne in the most effective way and in the shortest amount of time.
4. The Right External Treatment
Just because acne is caused by the substance within your body, doesn’t mean that you should neglect your external skin treatment. It is also very important to treat your skin from the outside. However, the holistic method will usually focus on using only natural products (usually from plants) in order to do it. External treatment alone will not cure your acne, but combined with the other three aspects, this will be a great way to boost your healing process, as well as prevent your acne from coming back to your skin again.
Note: Most people rely only on external treatment. That’s why they only see temporary result or no result at all. The right way to use external treatment is to combine it with the other treatments (mind, body, and spirit) as well.
So, that’s it. You already know about the best way to cure acne completely. Let me repeat it: The Holistic Method. The only hope for you, who are suffering from bad and severe acne condition right now, is to cure your acne holistically. This is the only way to be completely free from your acne condition, once and for all.
Source by Riz J. Natalie
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