When grief and loss smack you in the face – what do you do? There are five needed keys to help you heal your sorrow circumstance. It is vital to have a certain attitude and follow a proper beneficial path. The following five keys are essential enabling action solutions to help you reconcile your grieving, gain back your happiness – and again be engaged in a more fulfilling and wholesome life.
Key #1 Do What You Say You Will Do
“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”
~ Carl Jung
There have been times in life for each of us when we have not done what we said we were going to do. In retrospect perhaps the reason we didn’t doesn’t matter. Yet, now, in times of horrendous grief what you say you are going to do really matters. What you are in your new-you-grief-loss-circumstance is determined by what you say you will do. Choose carefully.
Key #2 Follow A Beneficial Path
At first a grief healing path may appear to be fully and permanently detoured. As stifling grief and loss happenings encompass your life. Hope and joy can temporarily disappear. Yet, happiness and joy are within your grasp. There really is a blue sky behind every dark ominous cloud of sorrow. Unwanted circumstances cause you to wonder about life and the future. Sorrow and loss situations can cause you to search for understanding, strength and will. As you wonder and search for new understanding you will discover a new purpose, a helpful path. Life’s detours provide you with meaningful innovative potential assistance. A beneficial solution healing path is essential to your wellbeing.
“The key to success, and to happiness, is being fully engaged in life – leading yourself with inspiration and committed action – setting your own fine and honorable example.”
~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie
You can discover beneficial inspiration and an action path to follow. Every success experienced is dependent upon on your actions. Choose your path for hope and peace.
Key #3 Don’t Make Excuses
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
~ George Washington Carver
Unwanted and annoying grief causes change. Often grief conditions can bring you feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty. Your healing journey is a grief reconciling expedition. Failing to take steps to disallow permanent mourning to remain can detour your healing efforts. An excuse only satisfies the one making an excuse.
No excuses – seize the moment – your challenge is to grow by establishing new harmony and reconciling your sorrowful circumstance. Now is the time to discover a new fulfillment in living and loving your life. Growth requires you to use your inner most potential to find new purpose and happiness. Consider how you can grow emotionally and spiritually. What specific actions can you put in place? Can you be more diligent in your efforts? Recognize that personal grief can provide avenues to inspire and lift you. Make a list of 3 things you can implement into your daily activities to inspire more direction and hope. Decide how you will use those 3 things to grow in happiness and hope now! Begin today!
Key #4 Make A Unwavering Commitment
The words: “If It Is To Be It Is Up To Me” ring true to life and your success in meeting challenges. Once you make a personal unwavering commitment to take specific actions you will become aware of potential possibilities and solutions to heal your grieving. Beneficial solutions will appear. You can discover the essential wisdom, strength, and insights if you seek them. You will discover immediate resources to help you overcome your loss and sorrow.
Key #5 Seek And Engage In All Beneficial Sources
Many will seize each moment of possibilities and opportunities. They will live their life to the fullest. Why don’t you? Today can be your new day. You can gain transformative insights to help reconcile your grieving. Seek healing sources and engage in all solutions beneficial to you. You can heal your grief and have new peace and hope. You can survive and thrive after grief and loss.
“When our days become dreary with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that… [God] is able to make a way out of no way, and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Don’t forget God as an additional inspiration and strength in healing your grief. For some – at the time of serious sorrow – the first place they turn is to their God. Others fail You can discover the essential wisdom, strength, and insights if you seek them. You will discover immediate resources to help you overcome your loss and sorrow. Commune with God nor do they seek additional inspiration and strength and help from their God.
Today ponder deeply what you can do to make your life happier and more joyful. Write down five actions you can take to contribute to your well-being. Always take into consideration any limitations you may have. Then realize you have within your grasp the power to say: “This I am today; that I will be tomorrow. Joy and happiness is within my reach.” Embrace all positive available social media, technology, internet, and all other beneficial and essential resource solutions.
Source by Duane Marchant
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