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Four Essential Solutions To Heal From Your Profound Sorrow – Stop Grieving And Start Healing


Grieving And Start Healing

1- Optimism!

"The first step towards the solution of any problem is optimism." ~ John Baines

Begin by thinking and believing you can take one step toward hope and peace no matter how overwhelmingly complex it may appear. Keep your candle of hope lighted even though your circumstance may seem fogged with blackness.
"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
~ Chinese proverb often quoted by Eleanor Roosevelt

The darkness of your cave of sorrow clouds and grief shadows can seem overpowering. Yet, unknown, unexplored possibilities can be discovered, explored and applied in your healing. Opportunities and potentialities of hope can be illuminated by your small candle light of anticipation and optimism. Even in the darkest of conditions happiness can be found. You must remember to turn on your light of hope.

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
– Aristotle Onassis

Optimism can help you focus on undiscovered possibilities. Focusing on opportunities not yet considered with hopefulness and confidence is vital to stop grieving and start healing. Optimism is your first important solution to overcoming your sorrow.

2- There are Answers

"Be thankful that life is a mystery. There is so much we can never know. Breathe deeply and relax into the not-knowing. There is much that we do not have to know in order to live joyfully."
~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Seeking all the answers to heal from your deep grief experience may not be in your best interest. Every answer to the "Why", "How", "When", and "Where" is not necessary to live joyfully. Concentrating on the things you can be grateful for may be a better solution. Focused on counting your blessings one by one can give you greater hope and resolve.

"Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties."
~ Helen Keller

Optimism in your thinking, resolve to overcome life's detours, determination to not let a daunting grief challenges stop you on your journey to find more happiness are all essential elements of personal empowerment. Don't let the tears from your crying about the sun being gone from your life block you from seeing the potential stars of happiness and hope.

"Only when life is difficult, are we challenged to become our greatest selves."
~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Let's be honest and frank, grief happenings are difficult and trying. But new possibilities discovered can help you become your greatest self. Follow your heart and don't let anything crush your dreams.

"When It's Darkest, Men See the Stars."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Empowerment to heal from your grief and loss requires you look beyond the darkness you see and feel. Looking for the stars of hope beyond your darkest night may require an attitude shift. Look beyond your shadowy discouragement. You can if you will.

3- Resolve

"Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties."
~ Helen Keller

Don't let the tears from your crying about the sun being gone from your life block you from seeing the potential stars of happiness and hope.

"Only when life is difficult, are we challenged to become our greatest selves."
~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Let's be honest and frank, grief happenings are difficult and trying. But as you search for solutions the possibilities discovered can help you become your greatest self. Follow your heart and don't let anything crush your dreams.

4- Pray

After you have considered and done all you can never forget the inspiration and strength that can result from communion with God.

"Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us."
~ Socrates

It is good to remember as you pray that God gives you what you need in His good time – but not always when and what you ask for. I have lived with and overcome grief supported each time from inspiration, strength and personal empowerment from communion with my God. You can also.

Be Optimistic. There are answers. Seek them. Have determination and resolve. Pray. Seek the inspiration of communion with God.


Source by Duane Marchant

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