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Cure Your Acne By Adopting a Vegan Diet


If you are reading this article you are getting closer to finding the causes of your acne. I am glad that you might want to try to cure your acne by adopting a vegan diet.

I tell you that simply going vegan might not be the entire answer you are looking for. The reason that I tell you this is because the term "Vegan" is a very general term that simply means that the food is free from animal products.

Adopting a vegan diet that only consist of non toxic, non allergenic, and good for your specific genetics will definitely help to cure your acne. The thing is, is that there are many acne causing foods and ingredients that are vegan.

To give you an example of things that are considered vegan, but that will cause your acne to get even worse will include, Table salt. hydrogenated oil. food additives, food colorings, and anything that your body is allergic to.

Also one of the foods that makes me break out with acne is any kind of wheat product. Wheat gluten is known to cause many health problems. Wheat gluten is kind of like glue that holds things together in many vegan products in the store.

Many vegan foods that resemble meat actually contain lots of wheat gluten. Also a very popular food chain that brags about being vegan and vegetarian and the name has something to do with veggies and being grilled or something (I am being vague about using their exact name as I don't want to directly bash them), they use a lot of gluten.

So while myself and others have in the past adopted a vegan diet to try and cure acne have had success on a vegan diet. It was however a very specific vegan diet.

White sugar is vegan, also wheat gluten. MSG and its many names (you might want to research all of the names of MSG) is also vegan but is not good for you at all. So people throw the Vegan word around thinking that it is a magical characteristic of a diet that healthy.

This is where many vegans that are unhealthy go wrong. They are eating tons of vegan foods that are clogging them and making them sick. Bread can be very constipating and it contains wheat. Most people have a food allergy to wheat even if they don't make the connection between the bread they eat and their symptoms.

I am almost positive that if you are reading this right now you are probably very frustrated with all the conflicting information on the web. The big food corporations pay "ghost writers" to write nonsense to promote the foods they are selling even if they know what they are selling might not be good for you.

To avoid becoming brainwashed by the media, and to avoid what they are selling, why don't you make yourself a challenge. I challenge you to prepare almost all of the food and know what each and every ingredient that goes into your body is and what it is made of.

I challenge you to write down every last thing that goes into your body. It isn't as hard as it seems if you try to eat whole foods. Eat tons of Romaine lettuce, carrots, almonds and other raw nuts (no peanuts) extra virgin olive oil. sea ​​salt, raw hone, olives, and other fruits and vegetables for a few weeks.

This means no fast food. You see French fries are vegan. In my opinion looking at the acne and food connection is that they are very unhealthy and probably cause me to break out in acne. The reason is that french fries are deep fried in oil and the oil is damaged by heat. Also the oil is probably made from GMO ingredients. This topic is too broad to explain why it is not good for you.

In short your body might perceive the oil as an allergen. Also the fries are also probably covered with table salt. Table salt is not good for acne.

Also there is a very popular fast food chain (which is probably the most well known for giving away free toys in the meals of the kids and brainwashes the youth and makes them sick at such a young age that they never know health and what it feels like their entire life) that clearly admits that their french fries contain things that can cause cancer. I am not kidding you. We need to read the warning on the fries.

Anyway, I don't want to get sidetracked, To help you to cure your acne and to be truthful, I want to let you know that adopting a vegan diet to cure acne is a good idea to try. It's just that you need to be very selective in designing your vegan diet.

Simply being labeled "Vegan" does not make it healthy.


Source by Teddy Grandy

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