Ancient Medicinal Wisdom: Vedic Healing With Coriander


In Ayurveda, the rasa or taste of coriander is initially sharp or astringent. Digestion mellows this to sweetness.

What is Ayurveda?

This is the ancient medical system of India. Ayurveda postulates that there are three basic types of energy or doshas: Vata dosha or wind energy, Pitta dosha or fire energy, and Kapha dosha or water energy. Every individual, (indeed, all matter), is made up of different degrees and combinations of these doshas. This is called the prakriti or constitution of the individual.

Ayurvedic belief is that coriander, seeds as well as the plant, is beneficial to all body types or doshas as it does not arouse pitta like most other spices.

Coriander leaves, seeds and powder are used extensively in Indian kitchens because of their appetising aroma. Ancient Ayurvedic practice had recognized the benefits of coriander: the use of these seeds and powder is rooted in this.

Multiple benefits of Coriander:

  • These seeds contain dietary fibre and this aids in good bowel movements. It also helps in removing intestinal gas and prevents nausea. Coriander seeds can be dry roasted, powdered and added to most dishes; it’s not all about flavor, they are a good digestive aid. Ayurveda tells us so!
  • It will stimulate appetite by helping to produce digestive enzymes and aid in the breakdown of food.
  • It is also good for liver function. This is probably why it is a good appetite stimulant.
  • Coriander powder and seeds do not arouse pitta. In modern scientific terms, coriander is alkaline. Thus, it is good for urinary tract infections. It is also a mild diuretic.
  • These are an age-old cure for menstrual cramps: just boil 1-2 teaspoons of coriander seeds in half a litre of water, add a teaspoon of organic sugar and drink warm. The relief is palpable.
  • Ayurveda has always known it; now modern research shows coriander seeds to inhibit bacterial growth thus making them a good anti-bacterial agent. This inhibitive property makes coriander a good fighter of stomach infections.
  • Anti-bacterial coriander is also a good anti-fungal. Coriander seeds are quite useful in fighting skin problems like eczema, itchy skin, and rashes.
  • It contain linoleic acid which is why they provide pain relief as well as act as an anti-inflammatory. This property also makes them useful in curing mouth ulcers and sores.
  • Ayurvedic cures for chronic conditions like arthritis make liberal use of coriander seeds/powder. A ‘tea’ is made by boiling ground coriander seeds in water and drinking the warm decoction.

Here are some Ayurvedic recipes for different ailments which make generous use of coriander seeds:

  • That parched feeling that a fever causes can be relieved by boiling 1 teaspoon of coriander powder in 1 cup of water. Drink after cooling, and your thirst will vanish.
  • For fatigue or a burning sensation in the body, soak a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water. Let it stand overnight. Strain and drink first thing in the morning.
  • Boil 1 tsp of coriander seeds in half a litre of water. Let it stand for 10 minutes. Strain and drink. This relieves any burning sensation while urinating.
  • Do not pop a pill at the first signs of malaise.The harmful effects of unnecessarily medicating yourself can be controlled by these simple home remedies which carry the goodness of Mother Nature. Ayurveda views human beings as an integral part of larger creation and treats human ailments non-aggressively.
  • When medicines should be used with circumspection, what can one say about the harmful chemicals that we ingest every day unknowingly? Food production in the modern day is fraught with dangerous practices. The indiscriminate use of chemical methods of farming is poisoning almost everything we eat. The organic movement aims to reverse this. If you want to enjoy the maximum benefit of any food product, GO ORGANIC. Coriander is no different.
  • Terragreens Organic is a store of the freshest and most natural ingredients, untouched by chemicals. Enjoy the full benefit of this miracle of Mother Nature. Buy your coriander seeds or powder from the best!


Source by Karthik Guduru

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