In making a comparison of birth control pills, it should be known that oral contraceptives have been around the market for over 45 years. It was first tagged as the pill when it was first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or FDA. This form is the most reliable that women turn to when they want to get pregnant.
Weight Gain
But another side to oral contraceptives is how they affect a woman’s body to gain weight. It really is dumbfounding because you will hear such stories from many women who have used the pill for the obvious reason of avoiding pregnancy.
But despite the fact that it causes additional pounds, the celebrity status that birth control pills have been know for have not diminished through time. Women still relay on these for such purpose, whether they gain weight or not.
This really depends on the body type of a person. Some women do not have problems of this sort. But the ladies who belong to such lucky classification have also not been fighting over the weighing scale as they were growing old. The ones who are prone to gain weight from the pills are those who accumulate fats easily through food and whatever they intake.
For this reason, when a woman gains weight from the pills, she must also be ready to counteract it by having the proper diet and right amount of exercise. You must treat it like your ordinary weight gain. This is for you to be able to trust the pill and likewise, not to risk pregnancy when you are still not ready for it.
You must not fear the drug because of the side effect on your weight. Those can be worked out on. Unlike with unexpected pregnancy, you have to live with that for the rest of your life.
A Brief Comparison of the Pills
There are actually many types of this pill available for you to choose from. The POP or Progestin-only pills have no estrogen. This is usually called the mini-pill. It primarily works to thicken the cervical mucus so that the sperm won’t be able to enter the uterus. This kind must be taken consistently at a certain time everyday to achieve great results.
Combination pills, meanwhile, are those that have estrogen and progestin. The many kinds under this type are said to prevent women from having ovarian cancer as well as endometrial cancer.
The third most popular are the ECPs or emergency contraceptive pills. This must be taken after 120 hours of committing unprotected sex. The drug will prevent you from impregnating as the cause of the act. This shouldn’t be taken regularly though. It is only when needed that one should subject herself to this type of pill.
The important thing to remember when choosing the type of pill that will suit your body is to consult your doctor about it. They know about what will work best for you in terms of this condition because they have scientific knowledge about the field.
This is just a brief comparison of birth control pills. There are a lot more available in the market. And for sure, a lot more will be discovered and developed as time passes by.
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