Critter Cube Stories is an original concept of the Graham Johnson Cultural Arts Endowment ( G.J.C.A.E.), a 501 (c) 3 org., to enhance self worth and encourage positive community activism. Each year the GJCAE sponsors at least one project to emphasize the motto of the organization, “Life Is For The Living”. This year it’s the Critter Cubes Story project.
An exhibit is made of 6-12 each, 2′ x 2′ cubes that are painted by students or adults in the community, and put on public display. One cube may have 6 different heads, such as a Moose head, with one smiling, one frowning, one crying etc. This will be on top of a Cube that is the “body” of the Moose and this cube has six sides with one side wearing a hunter’s outfit, the other a Santa outfit, while another may be a bathing suit outfit etc.
The concept is to have hilarious “critters” and to create a story using the critters. As each cube is rotated a new story line develops, or storytelling wordsmiths craft a new story, and teaches children original thoughts. The story is changed according to the visuals of the critter cubes and the imagination of the child.
The Critter displays will be throughout the community of Wake Forest, N.C. and will be changed and added to throughout the year. Schools, businesses, and public areas will have many Critter Cube Stories to create and show throughout the year.
In addition to the critter displays, the GJCAE will work with the community to provide sketch and coloring books so children can craft stories, and prizes will be awarded, for the most original, creative or best story lines improvising with the critters.
The Critter Cube Story project encourages original verbal and written expression.
Source by Bob G Johnson
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