For great leaders to be equally concerned with their people as well as their product or service, it must be generative in nature, so it must rise internationally in order to be expressed externally. Generating this care and concern comes from a strong sense of self-identity. Having a strong sense of self-identity can create a closed system in a static state of being, but what I am saying is that when someone is comfortable with who they are as a person and the content of their own character, they will be more likely to reach out to others and develop a sustainable bond of friendship. Creating an inclusive environment for other people must go beyond the surface words of asking how people are doing, and that requires intentional listening to what another person is saying and a genuine respect for human dignity.
If people have the impression that they are not cared for nor respected then why would they want to be a part of an "inclusive environment strategy?" Creating an inclusive environment starts with action and appropriate behaviors that follow the words uttered; so a need must be recognized and then organizing a strategy to get from 'here' to 'there' will begin to set in motion inclusive awareness. One key area for creating an inclusive environment for employees in the workplace is: (1) setting high standards of inclusiveness, (2) communicating those standards to everyone clearly, and (3) to embody those standards by consistently expressing those ideals on all levels . Going through the rote motions of saying, "Hi, how are you" can foster an outer veneer of inclusiveness with the aroma of shallowness. Thus, by digging deeper and discovering more about another person can become exciting, and where people feel at home and can give their best not out of competition, but from a heart that cares and is cared for.
Therefore, the work of a great leader is to be a wayshower for modeling the desired inclusiveness by being inclusive. Certainty and congruence must be expressed when communicating a new shift in an organization, because if you do not believe in what you speak-you will radiate that from yourself and it will become apparent through your non-verbal signs. Framing the intended change in a way that uses language codes that people can understand without feeling that their world is coming to an end will be a useful skill for leaders who seek positive change.
Source by Ra Lovingsworth
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