You can pick up these 10 free international titles as part of this Amazon free ebook giveaway. The deal lasts till April 27.
David Carnoy
Executive Editor / Reviews
Executive Editor David Carnoy has been a leading member of CNET’s Reviews team since 2000. He covers the gamut of gadgets and is a notable e-reader and e-publishing expert. He’s also the author of the novels Knife Music, The Big Exit and Lucidity. All the titles are available as Kindle, iBooks and Nook e-books, as well as audiobooks.
World Book Day is celebrated every year on April 23 and Amazon is once again giving away 10 Kindle ebooks from around the world to celebrate the occasion, alternatively referred to as World Book and Copyright Day or International Day of the Book, organized by UNESCO. You must have an Amazon account to download the books and a Kindle, Amazon Fire tablet or the Kindle app on a smartphone, tablet or PC to read them, but there aren’t any restrictions or special memberships (you don’t need Amazon Prime) required to download them. The 10 ebooks are free through April 27.
Like last year’s list of free ebooks, the titles truly are from around the globe, with 10 separate countries and various genres represented. And yes, they’ve all been translated into English.
Read more: Best E-Readers for 2022
Read synopses and download to your Kindle on Amazon.
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