One of the best thing in multi level marketing is the creation of the pyramid story where those who are from the bottom range being able to conquer the ones on top as their downline. This shows that this kind of business has nothing to do with status and proves that anybody can be a boss as long as they place their priorities in this business.
Apart from the pyramid in form of status, there are still a whole lot of reasons why multi level marketing is one of the best ways in achieving financial freedom. The pyramid is just to prove status is not a barrier to start this new venture. The next thing I would like to touch on is the family tree. How does the family tree concept is involved in the business concept is pretty much simple.
It consists of an upline that is linked to a few downlines and so on. This is just the rough concept and it will build up as it goes along. As we know family tree consists of two parents and they form the generations below them. However, it does not stop there as it is too done by their children. It is a never ending cycle. Same goes to multi level marketing.
What more, families usually have close bonds with each other. This shows that in order to perform and make oney with this business, the uplines have to create a good relationship with their downlines in order to work this whole business out gaining more profit than loss. Personal good relationships in marketing are a good beneficial thing as teamwork too will be emphasized. After all, “Together Everyone Achieves More!”
The family tree concept basically emphasizes more on creating good personal relationships in between the uplines and downlines as well as the cycle of multi level marketing is never ending which shows the business can last for a lifetime.
Source by Nizzura Sofea
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