Can Attracting Women Be Learned?

I think a fundamental question faced by men in the pursuit of attracting women is: Can attracting women be learned? Is it a result of genetics – of having been gifted with prominent cheekbones, lean muscularity or a sizable organ? Or perhaps having a prominent checkbook and the right surname? Is it about having a naturally outgoing personality, charisma, and sharp wit? Or perhaps possession of influence and personal power?

As complex as women are, there is no one answer to explain their preferences. As individuals, they, like we, are different – with different genetics, different experiences, and therefore, different tastes. And it’s been said – there’s no accounting for taste. So, it may be true that to some women, height and good looks matter a lot. Some schools of thought say that women value financial security more. Others say that personality, masculinity, sense of humor, or any of a variety of different criteria matters most.

And so, the questions must of necessity be: Is it possible to attract women, and if so, can any man do it? And will it work with ANY woman specifically? The answer is yes, and no.

Yes, in the sense that it is possible to attract the kind of women that you like, and who would like you in return, but whom you need to actively attract to you. This requires you to learn the techniques for attracting women, and actively engaging in the pursuit. Sitting at home simply won’t do; you have to go out and approach them. Attracting women involves the application of learned skills in a consistent and persistent fashion. Just like any skill, it’s all about practice and playing the probabilities. You simply have to keep approaching women.

When you play the numbers, however, remember that your chances of winning can be enhanced by other things besides the application of the techniques. Some of your strengths can be emphasized, and your weaknesses downplayed. For example, age differential, or shortness, or obesity may hinder you to some extent, but should not stop you. Instead, play to your strengths, and remember that women’s preferences are not all the same. If you persist, you WILL succeed in attracting women.

However, it is not possible to attract all women, or just any specific one. If there were a specific woman that you wanted to attract, but who is simply not interested or attracted to you, no skill or technique or persistence is guaranteed to work. History is replete with stories of unrequited love – of men who thought that they can make a woman want them. If they had simply tried to attract other women instead, and kept persisting, they would have been met with success.

So, in sum, yes, attracting women can be learned. Will it always work? No. But if it allows you to attract the women you want, and who want you in return, isn’t it worth it to try?

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