Branding Tools

You can promote all our products And services on autopilot using The Power Of our PDF Rebrander. By this, you can make up to 70% commission on each product advertised in the books,; and also gain more sub-affiliates.

NOTE: If you have any problem at all branding the reports with your affiliate username, please contact us. We shall be ready to help you FREE. Download the step-by-step manual on how to easily brand these reports and ebooks  Branding Manual

Brand-able Books

 Affiliate Info-Recruitment Report

The first vital tool for all our affiliate is the zaykar affiliate info-recruitment report brander that is produced for two platforms: one for desktop computer Desktop Pdf Brander  and the other for mobile viewing Mobile Pdf Brander

Sign up FREE and brand this report with your own affiliate username and let it work for you 24/7 recruiting new downline affiliates for you, increasing your sponsor commissions and earn dollars while you sleep. Samples of the branded reports for the desktop computer is Desktop Invitation Manual and the other for mobile viewing Mobile Invitation Manual. PLEASE, do not use these samples since they are already branded with another affiliate username.



The Science of Getting Rich

Pdf: [download id=”67621″]

Brander: [download id=”72955″]

Details: The Science of Getting Rich


Appetite AntidoteAppetite Antidote Pdf and Brander

Pdf: [download id=”62757″]

Brander: [download id=”62759″]

Details: Appetite Antidote



career climberCareer Climber Pdf and Brander

Pdf: [download id=”62768″]

Brander: [download id=”62770″]

Details: Career Climber




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