NRD opens all ID-related transactions by appointment during CMCO

PUTRAJAYA: The National Registration Department (NRD) has opened its offices nationwide to assist the public with pending identification document (ID) transaction on an appointment basis.

In a statement today, the NRD said most of its offices have been operating by appointment since the implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) on May 4, except the offices located at urban transformation centres (UTC) and in the CMCO areas.

“This is in line with the government’s announcement. All transactions with the NRD can be done by appointment between 8.30 am and 4 pm. Customers can set their appointments by contacting any of the NRD Customer Service offices nationwide.

“This appointment-based service is being offered to ensure compliance of the Covid-19 preventive measures, especially in terms of social distancing,” the statement said.

The statement also said that the NRD will also follow the strict standard operating procedure (SOP) during the CMCO, including taking necessary details of customers and their body temperature, using hand sanitizer and sanitising the counters from time to time.

It said customers who have secured an appointment are not allowed to bring other people to keep them company during the appointment so as to ensure social distancing and minimise the number of people in the office at any one time.

For Mykad application involving 12-year-old applicants or a wedding ceremony which requires the attendance of more than one person, they will be advised to come in a minimal number.

“The public are advised not to walk in to the NRF office without an appointment as service can only be rendered if an appointment slot was vacated. If the transaction is not urgent and can be postponed, they are also advised to come after the MCO is lifted,” it said.

The government’s announcement that birth registration could be made within 90 days after the end of MCO period without any penalty is still in force, hence no need for the public to rush to register births.

Further information on the NRD services during the CMCO can be obtained at its website at or its official social media sites. –Bernama

NRD opens all ID-related transactions by appointment during CMCO
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